Sunday, July 25, 2010

the weeks are flying by

wow, it is crazy to think I have been away for over 7 weeks last Thursday - no idea where the time has gone.

Our week in Kidia was so incredible - we upgraded from massive tents to a two storey concrete building which was very comfortable and provided the perfect setting for many a game of murder in the dark - some of the boys are a little too good at that game.
The first day on project saw us beginning to work in pairs on the construction of our desks, and the girl I was paired with and myself were machines, we got it finished quite quickly and had a great time doing it. We kept on working on our desks until wednesday, when two of the boys and myself had finished and were offered a chance to teach a lesson. We snapped that up immediately and taught that morning as well as the next morning, teaching synonyms like big/large , little/small
it was sooooo much fun!

As well as working on the desks and teaching, we worked with the mamas in the tree nursery, packing dirt into plastic cylinders and putting clippings in to be sold on, for a mere 100 shillings (like, 10 cents australian)
We also had the opportunity to visit some of the Chugga mamas at their homes, and cook with them and pick coffee beans etc which was a fantastic experience. All the guys and a few of the game girls also played in a soccer match with the local school children - there were so many that wanted to play, they all split themselves up into 3 teams of 11 and after about half an hour would swap and let the others have a go - we were absolutely exhausted but it was gtreat! - Kidia was just amazing!

coming back to Moshi, we returned to our home sweet home via the most amazing truck ride ever, as our original transportation had broken down so the truck that usually takes all the equipment is what took us back down the mountain - the air we got on the seats, fantastic!!

this week just past I have been doing a lot of teaching and poster making for the staff as well as painting a diagram on a school wall with some of the other girls, so now I have my name on a school wall which is really cool to have something like that to contribute. Apart from that, the project site of the dining hall is looking amazing, the floor is not being cemented with about half of it done - I think we have done a very impressive job and our fundi, Jimmy, is more than happy with our work.

I have met up with Tess as well and had a fantastic catch up with her as well as meeting up with my friends with whom I shall be staying once my placement is finished. Safari is quickly closing in as well as our trip to Zanziar - and as excited as I am , getting to those activities means coming to the end of my time in Tanzania - not sure if I am yet ready to leave - I could easily see myself living here.

Anywho, that's just a brief update from me, hope all is well back home with whatever you may all be doing!


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