Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Now, although it is a while off, I am just too excited about this - at JCU you can choose to study abroad for one or two semesters. As a marine biologist in the making, naturally, I was going to take advantage of this opportunity (and the fact I am addicted to travel and adventure may also have something to do with it :P). One of the Universities that students can exchange with, is San Francisco De Quito, in Ecuador. And the majority of the exchange is spent - you guessed it - on the Galapagos Islands!!!! I have already submitted my application and have been accepted! So while it is still a fair way off, as I am not going on exchange until first semester of my third year, I am just too excited!!! Following in the footsteps of Darwin, I will be privileged to live there for a few months and see one of the true, and slowly disappearing, wonders of the natural world!!! Does the dance!

So then, I am happy to announce that my blog will once again be privy to the travel adventures that are sure to come, and that once again I will be off, to see another little corner of the Earth :D

On another note, exams and assignments SUCK!

that is all


  1. Haha Annie! Woohoo! I will be off to America next year!! :D xx

  2. Woo, that is really exciting!! what will you be doing there??? :D
