Saturday, September 5, 2009


greetings and salutations :)
another fantastic session of ramblings from yours truly. One thing that's been on my mind a lot, with school examinations and whatnot, is the fact that we are expected to know so much for our exams, yet in the real world, people specialise in one area, they don't know a hundred English quotations as well as figures from 3 different countries as well as dozens of case studies! no they don't! They know the stuff in their field and if they're unsure, they look it up!! it's a lovely process, by simply typing in a website and a search parameter, they can find out what it is they either don't know or have forgotten. and yet, here we are, students, expected to know monumental amounts of stuff in all sorts of subjects. What the hell? where's the fairness, and how accurate at determining whether someone is suitable for a uni course is a number that relies on simple regurgitation??

end rant


  1. Totally true.. I always thought for that reason that exams are a completely inadequate way of scaling someone's knowledge and ability. And though I got into uni based on my UAI alone, I do think it is a lot more fair for uni's to consider other aspects - talents, character, ambitions and whatnot.
    Although, that would take a lot of time and who has the time these days?

    That said, for subjects such as maths I do understand the whole exam process since they give you the formulas and just expect you to use them appropriately and correctly. That, at least, makes sense. But English? There is, surely, no point to exams. Bring on the assignments! I prefer them any day :)

    Best of luck with all your exams! In the timeless words of Dory... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"
    Lots of love, Amy. The one from tutor all those years ago.. remember me? :P

    1. How bizarre, this comment only appeared recently on my wall! I swear I had never seen this before!!! My gosh, of course I remember you Amy, who could ever forget you and our awesome Melville 6 :) I hope you are well!!!!
