Hello hello
This may seem rather random - today, my bracelet from Tanzania, from 2010, broke on the way to uni. Unfortunately, tiny beads on a road with lots of cracks does not end well and I only managed to salvage a few beads. And I found myself realising how deflated I was that it broke. But, it was just a bracelet right?
This particular bracelet was made by a Masai woman in Ndarakwai, a small reserve I visited in Tazania. I helped her put the last beads on it, before she put it around my arm. Since that day, it has never left my wrist, save for one or two formal occasions. I found myself rather frustrated that the loss of this would make me feel so upset, I mean, I shouldn't be putting such stock in material possessions - at the end of the day, physical belongings fade away, but faith and your soul remain. But, on the other hand, I guess I am just so used to seeing it on my wrist, as a reminder of the amazing time I had in Tanzania. And as silly as it sounds, it almost felt as though I had lost a connection, watching these beads bounce along the ground and disappear. So why do we put such stock in some of our material possessions? Well, it's the sentiment. I think at times, we realise how fickle our minds can be, and so we look to those possessions that can bring back our memories. Remind us of things past. I know for me, this bracelet was always a constant reminder of that trip, of the amazing experiences I had, of the personal growth I received, and of the amazing and blessed life I have. It reminded me of the lovely and kind woman that I had met, and that even though she spoke no English, and I no Maa, we managed to get a little across in our broken Swahili and share a smile and a laugh while stringing beads together. It reminded me to live each day to the fullest, to thank God always for what I had and to pray for others around me. It reminded me that life is precious and amazing, and that there are so many amazing people in this world. I know, it's a lot for one little bracelet to handle I guess.
At the end of the day, I will always have my memories of Tanzania. But I guess I had just really become attached to that constant reminder.
So you're probably sitting there wondering where on earth I am going with this....to be honest, not entirely sure. I guess it's more of an observation of the things we consider important in life. I try to not be a materialist person, as in the end, all fades away to dust and all that remains are our immortal souls. But I think it is ok to put sentiment and value behind possessions. And not because they are expensive, or really flashy - this bracelet was very simple and plain, it was not some prized piece of jewelry. But it had a story.
Random, I know.
God bless all.
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