I can honestly say I am a terrible blogger. I mean, not that I have an avid fan base or any such, but I am rather slack at updating my blog. So I though, what the hell, I shall write a rambling piece about life lately.
It has been rather crazy, but a little crazy in life is good, it keeps things interesting and exciting. I still have my amazing family and friends. And I am still happily walking that winding path of life, with its dips and dives and its weaves and soaring moments.
I have found myself recently quite reflective upon the funny state we sometimes find ourselves in - those moments of pure self doubt, where you wonder of your worth, and you retreat inside for a while, not really thinking you're 'all that' and quiet happy to slide through without being seen. We all go through such stages, I am sure, it's a part of finding yourself - trying to really be ok with yourself, no matter your insecurities - I should know, I am the queen of insecurities, if there was a little isle named insecure-ville, I would reign supreme over it. But it is a part of the journey. I mean, think about it - you can't say that it is only the good experiences in life that mould you and shape you - it is the negative experiences, the bullying in school, or the snide remarks someone may make, the judgements passed without getting to properly know you - believe me, I have had these. And I think, at some point, you have to be able to push past them, and believe that regardless of what anyone else thinks, God made you, to be you, not what society or some group of people believe you should be.
I know it is easy to say and hard to act upon, I was often on the receiving end of quick judgements based on things I believed in. But God made me a strong, independent thinker, and gave me the ability to make my own choices, and to choose my path in life. He gave me obstacles, and helped me through them. And He graced me with wonderful soaring moments of life, which are ever abundant and continue. He gifted me with a beautiful family, parents that I love dearly, and with an amazing bunch of friends that continue to bless my life every day that I know them.
I recently thought back to my time in Tanzania, the amazing faith of those who many would think had little to be thankful for, as they experience things that many will never understand. And to think of their faith, their smiles - it really helps to put things in perspective. We are each graced with this amazing thing called life - and some of us do have it tougher. But I think we are just as strong for things challenges. If you can meet these challenges head on, take it with a smile, then they never seem so difficult. As cliche as it may seem, there is always something to smile about and there is always a reason for everything. I personally do not believe we are simply specks of matter that just happened to form together - I believe there is a greater purpose to everything, and that there are no simple coincidences. Some think this stupid - others question how a Christian could possibly become a scientist. But, everyone must make their own decisions, and draw their own conclusions. I will happily bring anyone to the word of God, but I will not inflict it upon anyone who does not choose to hear it, nor will I pass any sort of judgement. It is not for me to do. I sometimes wish we could have more people that could feel this way, and that we could see past silly prejudices.
On another note, I am thoroughly excited to see where life takes me next year on my exchange to the Galapagos - another whirlwind adventure I am blessed to undertake!
Once again, an exceptionally random rambling (I hold true to my blogs name) that I have no idea if anyone will ever read - but I think in a way, it is a touch more therapeutic for me to get my thoughts out and in some sort of sensible order.
Til next time we should meet :)
God bless to all - and keep believing in yourselves, as God does. And as I do to all people. There is something worthwhile in everyone, if only you take the time to look :)
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