Those that know me, understand that I have a few...guilty pleasures - namely the tv show Supernatural that I like to indulge in, follow weekly and enjoy immensley. And what way to further enjoy ones's favourite show than to actually meet the actors that play said adored characters. Now, many may ask 'how can such a feat of daring be accomplished?'
It's simple - Convention!!!!! now, some words immediately come to people's minds, like 'nerd' or 'obsessed' or 'pathetic' but I prefer 'dedicated' and 'passionate' - the connotations are much more pleasant. So I hereby have my most excellent claim to fame :D once again, I attended the Supernatural convention held in Sydney, this year at UTS - and it was an absolutely fantastic day!
The line up was excellent, including Misha Collins (castiel) Rob Benedict (Chuck) Julie McNiven (Anna) Samantha Ferris (Ellen Harvelle) and Jim Beaver (Bobby). The day was filled with photo sessions, autographs and Question and Answer time with the guests and they were all awesome and funny, and my sides were aching after some of the stories told. So see, normal people attend conventions too!! well, if you consider me normal... teehee. The highlights definitely were many, but included meeting Misha (again :D) and meeting Rob and Samantha, both awesome, funny and remarkable individuals. For those of you out there who may be reading this saying "what is this Supernatural of which she speaks" then I truly do pity you for it is only one of tv's greatest creations! Eric Kripke is a master of storytelling, along with his minions of writers, plotting ways in which to make fans go crazy (not that we're not already crazy according to folk lore) but meh, everyone has their guilty pleasure :D except, it's not really a guilty pleasure for me, cause I don't feel guilty :P
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