Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Now, although it is a while off, I am just too excited about this - at JCU you can choose to study abroad for one or two semesters. As a marine biologist in the making, naturally, I was going to take advantage of this opportunity (and the fact I am addicted to travel and adventure may also have something to do with it :P). One of the Universities that students can exchange with, is San Francisco De Quito, in Ecuador. And the majority of the exchange is spent - you guessed it - on the Galapagos Islands!!!! I have already submitted my application and have been accepted! So while it is still a fair way off, as I am not going on exchange until first semester of my third year, I am just too excited!!! Following in the footsteps of Darwin, I will be privileged to live there for a few months and see one of the true, and slowly disappearing, wonders of the natural world!!! Does the dance!

So then, I am happy to announce that my blog will once again be privy to the travel adventures that are sure to come, and that once again I will be off, to see another little corner of the Earth :D

On another note, exams and assignments SUCK!

that is all

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

further ramblings

On an exceptionally happy note, I come off the crutches this week, which brings me great happiness! I am so excited, I am practically bouncing around on my crutches - very ready to come off them and start walking again, I am pretty sure the fracture has healed well and I am on the final stretch on the road of recovery - so party at my place! not really, I was joking

Uni is so hectic at the moment, everywhere I look I either have an essay, a report, a practical test, an exam or just general study and catching up on notes - there are not enough hours in the day. That being said, you may say why am I blogging if I am so busy. Well, I need a break. so there. But it has definitely hit that part of the semester where it's all hell breaking loose. And exams are not that far away at all, about a month now until the carnage begins, so brace yourselves as I am positive that I will be ranting an raving about exams.

Apart from that, life is good. I haven't had any mind blowing epiphanies lately, so i am afraid I am lacking in any sort of wisdom-giving this fine evening. Except to say that we humans are an interesting and complicated species. I mean, take a moment to look around you - watch interactions, observe people around you. I am not saying, "go forth and stalk", that is definitely not cool. But take a moment to look at the way we interact in our world, with each other and with other things that inhabit this crazy but beautiful place. And then look at our potential, both for creation and destruction. Sometimes I think, while we have both, we're tipping a little more towards the destruction side. that being said, we must be careful in our pursuit of creation and fixing our wrongs, for if they are done in the wrong way, it could cause even further destruction. There are many things going on around the world, such as the plans to place 60 dams along the Amazon river - it's in situations like those where I get upset with our species. Our greed can sometimes be seen to drive some of us more than others, and without any thought for consequence, we do things to benefit us. We don't think of the repercussions further down the line, whateve works here and now, we choose. Now I am not all doom and gloom, there are many who do not show these characteristics, but unfortunately the majority of people that do, are in some sort of position of influence and power. It has been said that the world will be a much better plae when the love of power is replaced by the power of love. We all have goodness within us, I am not one to believe that some people are inherently evil - everyone has some spark, not matter how small of crushed it may be - and people need to make sure that they keep stoking the flames, not allowing these sparks of goodness to be smothered by the muck of greed. Now, I am a realist, but at the same time an idealist. I know that we will never all agree - there are 6 billion of us here - for everyone of us to agree would be nothing short of a miracle. But it is our diversity, our opinions, that give such joy to life, the joy of pursuing knowledge, our curiousity - all of these things make the world that much more interesting. I mean, let's face it, if we were all the same, well, it would be pretty boring! God was wise in His plans and has given us all wonderful minds that are inquisitive and seeking.

Not sure where I was going with that. but there is my little philosophical squirt for the evening, even though I said I didn't have anything - my bad. Well, it's not really much, just ramblings. But if you've been reading my blog from the beginning, well, then you'll definitely be used to the bizarre things I blurt out.
