Sunday, April 25, 2010

Africa - the return...and then some :)

It feels like a movie really, and this is the promotional video for the sequel soon to come. But yes, as the title dictates, I am once again visiting the African continent, and it really does feel quite surreal. But unlike many sequels, this trip isn't going to be a box office failure. I actually am very excited to begin my adventure and to once again spend time (and this time a very good amount of time) within one of the most incredible countries I have ever visited (admittedly, I haven't seen, you know, the WHOLE world, but I am working on it, never you fear!)

In other news, my art is starting to take off a little, so I am excited to keep going in that aspect of my life, it's quite a release and I find a lot of solace in being able to create something when so much of what we see in the world today can be about destruction. Life is very good at this current moment, as it has always been - I have a wonderful and supportive family and group of friends for which I am truly blessed. I have spent time stewarding for a horse show this weekend, and I gotta tell you people out there in cyber space, it's an experience, you see many things within the horse industry and you have the many different disciplines. Not different to the stereotypical view of teenage groups in highschool that are presented in modern films.
Firstly, there are the hackies -the cheerleaders. They work for hours on their appearance, every hair in the right place, every movement carefully calculated and any extra time spent on spying on the enemy and knowing your opponent so as to maximise the chance of walking out with an eighty-cent ribbon. But not all hackies fit this stereotype, as all stereotypes are indeed generalisations and generalisations are largely largely incorrect.
But then there are the show jumpers - the semi nerdy yet fairly cool and althletic group. They calculate the strides between jumps, judging the quickest way to get around the course clear and under the time, experimenting with different training methods in order to improve the ability of both horse and rider and to come together as a perfect combination to go forth and compete in the show jumping ring.
Then there are the cowboys, polo players, etc - the jocks. Spending as much time as they can showing off and trying to look good...need more be said?
Then, the racers - the rich popular kids buying their way through their grades. Always willing to flaunt what they have and never afraid of a little controversy - whatever they need to walk away with the ultimate prize and the imortalisation of being the best.
I could go on forever, there are so many ins and outs of the equestrian industry, but the point that hopefully was instilled within you as you read this is that it is a diverse and complicated industry and most definitely, despite what many PE teachers may believe, IS a sport. And a worthy sport at that, horse and rider come together in a partnership that involves stamina, strength, persistance, trust and cooperation. The ultimate test of any althete if I do say so myself, and eventing especially is a very physical discipline.
...I'm not actually quite sure what got me onto this, and I don't really know exactly what I was hoping to achieve by writing this but once again, I provide evidence for the title of my blog as I most definitely do ramble. But if you're still reading this, then surely you still find my words either inspirational, irritating or just plain entertaining. Either way, thanks :)

peace out :)