Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ramblings during the witching hour

whoa, it's been a while. September was my last blog entry, I think. well, if you're very fanatical about my blogs, you're probably disappointed and drafting letter bombs as you read this, and if so, perhaps me now posting a new entry will disuade you from any evil thoughts :)
life has been very busy lately and it's left me little time for thinking and much less time for rambling. actually, the only thinking I am doing is in relation to school work and exams - sad isn't it, when you go to sleep and dream about maths equations and geography essay questions. But such is the life of a year 12 student I guess

It's sad to think that in this world, to keep up with everything you have to move at ludicrous speed, like in Spaceballs the movie, but moving at ludicrous speed means that you don't get time to stop and enjoy the little things in life and it's hard and sometimes painful to have to slow down. if there is one thing I think people need more in life, it's to enjoy the simplicities in life and to slow down, take a break and even though the world is not perfect, to enjoy what happiness and beauty there is to be seen. my time in Tanzania allowed me to slow down for a bit and I realised what an incredible world we live in, and that life is too short for people to be intolerant and to judge - unfortunately, we live in a world with a catch phrase that life is used to get ahead and to win. sadly, for someone to win, someone has to lose, and I think sometimes people lose sght of that fact. Life would be so much better if people could learn to get along, but I am a realist, and understand that 6 billion people inhabit this planet we call home and God made us all individuals - meaning we all think differently, which makes for an interesting world, but means that there will always be conflict and disagreement. but it doesn't mean that the world is a horrible place, or that God doesn't care, or that it's every man for himself or that there are not things in this world that can be enjoyed for their beauty. Stop and smell the roses people, take a breath of fresh air, and appreciate what we have. some people in the world are not so lucky, but there is a masai proverb that says that 'teeth do not know poverty' - basically, even those who have the smallest amounts of material wealth can still smile.

So go out, and smile at someone and pass the smile on - life is too short, don't waste time being upset with people, or angry with others - use what you can to have a meaningful life and to spread happiness

wow, that really was a ramble
peace friends :)

Annie out